Role/Position with the Council
Publications Director
MALs Only
Not Applicable
What is happening? What is happening in your role and responsibilities with ESLC?
I'm continuing to work with the council members to refine and advertise council PDs and other related PD activities that may be of interest to our members (e.g. SIG Conference, AGM, workshops, etc). In addition, I'm continuing to talk with different groups (e.g. my ESL consultant cohort) to elicit different pieces of submissions for The Accent.
Why is this important? What does the above mean for our members, teaching and learning and/or the council?
The communication with the various council members and the ESL teaching communities are vital in bridging the connections across Alberta for teachers.
What are the next steps? What is next for you in your role - where to from here? What do you need from the council or how could the council benefit from you?
I'll be continuing what I've been doing and trying to integrate the work using the new website platform. If the council members could continue sending me information about workshops, questions, etc so we can share with the wider community, this would be helpful. And as always, we would love to have more varied submissions from members themselves. Perhaps we can come up with ideas on how we can increase submissions and readership at one of our executive meetings or via discussion groups online.
Strategic Plan Update: Committee Name
Member Engagement/PD
Remarks What have you worked on in relation to the Strategic Planning Committee with which you are working? (Member Engagement , Professional Development,, Advocacy, or Creating Partnerships
The Member Engagement group needs a little more time on completing our plan from the retreat/subsequent meeting, I believe. And I wonder if part of the work would extend to helping with updating the pamphlets, with input from other executives.